carla31 15. September 1976 (47), Iași, Rumania Was online less than a week ago
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  • The aim of my registration on this site is friendshipflirtrelationship
  • Interested in guys
  • I speak romanian.
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  • 29.04.2008
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Best result in rating

Total votes: 159

Best result in rating:
Rumania: 5th position
28.06.2019 11:46
Iași: 1th position
25.06.2019 17:46
Her quizzes
  • Your attitude to work Find out how much time and effort you devote to your work and if you should change something
    • You seem to be a workaholic. Everybody wants to believe that he/she More »
  • What kind of food is your character like? The playful test will tell you something about your character
    • Your character is like a cake! And why? Because you are always welcome as you are a cheerful person and without you [__ separator__] there will not be a single fun party. Your presence is always delightful and time runs unnoticed in your company. You make the most pleasant impression on most people. Your character, despite its willfulness, always attracts others, like a magnet and with many people the first acquaintance grows into a real, strong friendship.
  • What can't you take away? The test will show what you really know a lot about
    • A sense of style is your forte, which many would envy. You naturally have impeccable taste and can always give good advice to your friends. You are always sure that there is no limit to perfection, and if you notice bad taste and not necessarily about clothes, it causes some indignation in you. It is always a pleasure to look at you and for many you are an example to follow.
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