39, Pärnu, Eesti

 I am not mind, intellelect, thought or ego
Not hearing, taste, smelling or sight
Not ether, or earth, fire or air
I am the soul of knowledge or bliss-
I am shiva, I am shiva

I am not prana, nor the five vital airs:
Not the seven components of the body
Nor the five sheaths;nor the five organs of action
I am the soul of knowledges and bliss-
I am shiva, I am shiva.

I am not virtue or vice, not pleasure or pain;
Not sacred word or pilgrimage, not veda or sacrifice
I am not enjoying, enjoyable, or enjoyer
I am the soul of the knowledge and bliss
I am shiva, I am shiva

I have no death or fear, no distinction of caste
No father, no mother, no birth
No friend, no relation, no master or disciple
I am the soul of the knowledge and bliss
I am shiva I am shiva

I am changless, formless and omnipresence
I am not touched by attachment of senses
I am nor freedom nor knowable
I am the soul of the knowledges and bliss
I am shiva I am shiva


Whom to seek, whom to avoid?I seek none,nor avoid any,for I am Universe, I praise myself, I blame myself,I suffer by myself, I am happy at my own will, I am free. Let the whole universe fall dawn and I know it never existed, it was all hallucination. So it does disappear now, before my eyes a 

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