What is love...?
37, Klaipeda, Литванија

Someone on the wall wrote above: "Love - this ..." - and did a multipoint. "Love - what you need and Can not find" - below with a fine script something extended. And next: "Love does not exist, they are just a waiting ..." An interesting idea. But even more interesting, the following: "Love is, only necessary to wait for her, but after that ..." Not everything someone cross through with shaky hand and wrote: "What then? Excretion and unbearable pain in waiting? .. "Someone objected:" No, true love raises everything, always waiting to the end! "I continue to read," Come you all, stupid! I read further: "Love. . It happens only once. And understand if it was too late, you will live in memories. "
Next there is nothing. Empty. I smile - posted what is most important. I take a pen and write: "Love is what we the make of it. And no matter how it begins or as ends. Most importantly,that it is. "

Month 07.12.2012

süper nice *THUMBS UP*

Niliuxx 25.02.2010

no :P

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