Ditsu's blog

32, Rakvere, Estonia


When you've been hurt beyond any fathomable measure...when you not only gag at the mention of relationships and Valentine's Day but feel like smacking the idiot who "thinks" they have it...and realizing that love doesn't exist at all.

Then in the blink of an eye...in the place you never looked...never expected...and could never really understand even if you wanted to...you didn't find true love...it found you. He/she found you.

And they not only healed your broken soul but created an irreplaceable shield for your heart.

True love is being corny but really meaning it.

True love is knowing your friends…


When you're never gonna give her up, never gonna let her down, and never gonna run around and desert her.
True love is when u would sacrifice everything for your sweety. Its when nothing else matters to you but making hem happy. It's when u don't see yourself with anyone else but them. this love is so deep, so real. True love is when you miss them before you even leave, it's when you could listen to them talk all night and never get tired their your voice...It's when the thought of their name gives you butterflies, and when you see…


The unconditional feeling that you feel for another person. You don't have reasons for loving, you just do. Even if the feeling isn't mutual. The feeling that inspires, that revives, sometimes even hurts. Age, Looks, Social Status, What others think doesn't matter. The sometimes ecstatic, sometimes excruciating blessing from heaven.


Love is the greatest gift God ever gave man. Love is not wanting to go anywhere without her. Love is not caring what other people think about the two of you. Love is when you feel depressed and sickly when you're not with her. You feel like your life has no meaning or purpose without her. And that if she wasn't holding your hand you would float away to heaven from where she came. Love is caring for her physically and emotionally. It's telling her everyday, anytime, anywhere, anyhow, for no just reason that you love her. Love is telling…


Urmas Alender kirjutas need kolm laulu mis on ühed nukramad Eestis tänaseni
,suhteliselt ennem Estoniaga põhja minekut,
- Hüvasti, kollane koer
- Kui mind enam ei ole
- Teisel pool vett
Ta oleks saabuvat õnnetust justkui ette teadnud/aimanud, ning jättis kõigiga laulusõnade kaudu hüvasti ning kirjeldas oma surma.

· See on armastus kui oled talle mehaaniku eest
· Armastus on meeleseisund
· Armastus on taevalik
· Armastus on palju pikki suudlusi
· Armastus on kui kirg võtab võimust
· Armastus on topeltõnn
· See on armastus kui seisad silmitsi oma vastutusega
· See on armastus kui sa lihtsalt ei suuda teda unustada
· Armastus on pisiasjades
· Armastus on vaid meil kahekesi
· See on armastus kui tahad teda tervenisti endale
· See on armastus kui süda valitseb pea üle
· See on armastus kui naerad kogu kehaga
· Armastus on midagi väga erilist
· Armastus on kui hea vanaaegne romaan
· Armastus on ainult ühe vastusega küsimus
· Siis ongi armastus kui ta…

1. Esiteks, vali number, mitu korda nädalas sa tahaksid šokolaadi süüa (rohkem kui 1 ja vähem kui 10).

2. Korruta see number kahega (et saaks rohkem süüa)

3. Lisa 5

4. Korruta see number 50-ga. Ära muretse, ma ootan kuni kalkulaatorit otsid ...

5. Kui sul sel aastal on sünnipäev juba möödas, liida 1760, kui aga veel tulemas, liida 1759

6. Nüüd lahuta sellest oma neljakohaline sünniaasta

Sul peab järgi jääma kolmekohaline number.

Esimene number selles on sinu soovinumber, mitu korda nädalas sa tahaksid šoksi süüa.

Ülejäänud kaks numbrit aga näitavad sinu vanust!

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