Wood floor maintenance, indoor humidity is very important
31, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Solid wood flooring feet feel comfortable, Anti Corrosive outdoor flooring elegant atmosphere, but into the winter, met the humidity, temperature and other external environment changes, prone to deformation, cracking and so on. Indoor to maintain a certain temperature and humidity.

suggested that the temperature is preferably below 28 ℃, the humidity is best maintained between 50% to 70%,New materials-garden-decoration not less than 40%. In such external conditions, the wooden floor can be maintained in a relatively stable state. If the natural humidity is not reached, it is recommended to use a humidifier humidifier. Keep the floor surface dry and bright.

Daily cleaning wring dry cotton mop to wipe; in case of stubborn stains, you should use a neutral cleaning solvent wipe and then wring dry cotton mop,cheap wood flooring in Sydney pleasant floor stressed, do not use acid, alkaline solvents or gasoline and other organic solvents scrub.

In the door, it is best to shop a mat to prevent wood floor contraction, cracking. Solid wood floor should pay attention to avoid heavy metal sharp, New type wood plastic composite decking glass tiles, spikes and other hard objects to scratch the floor. Do not move the furniture on the floor surface drag; do not make the floor contact with open fire or directly on the floor placed high-power electric heater; prohibited on the floor placed strong acid and alkaline substances.


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