for benjamin badel
31, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

like burning wax u melted in my hands.

u touch every turn of my palm.
u made my skin parchments dance
every time when u said ma chéri
u colored empty spaces of my heart.
sometimes crossing the limits
you flood my blue eyes
but like a thirsty passenger you quickly
drunk the tears of mistake.
my hairs is still smelling like your middle-night breath.
your ungainly look stuck in my memory card.
i still can see you holding me in your hands for the last time in our life.
my feet still can feel hot bath water my shoulders still can feel the heat from the candles.
our nightly sins every time is knocking when I am feeling single under my blanket.
the music you played to me , and all the singing mistakes always gonna be the
most beautiful love simony for me.
the taste of your given chocolate incarnate in my lips.
your stupid fights and every time you said no to me , made you my boy.
my secret sin.
our sand from the sun watch ran out.
and even if i didnt wanted to realize it . you had the passport to my heart.
not for one time , i will look again to the sky full of stars
and in my dreams i will let you to love me again.
i will let myself to love you.
even if it is going to be just a dream.
but i promise moi cheri.


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