She knows.
33, Tartu, Estonia

Xех, копалась на старых сайтах и нашла глупость. Глупость в которой есть правда.

I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart.
They say, 'Time heals all wounds.' If that is true, then I guess mine go deeper than pain. There are no words to choose over losing you. I guess I found out out too late, and now all I feel is heartbreak that only hurts when I breathe.
I can't seem to erase all the memories of you. No matter how hard I try it's something I can't do.
Everyone is someone's dream. You are mine.
I know what it does to you, I know. Maybe that's why we hold on as hard as we do. We just can't believe that such a miracle can happen to us twice. But it can, someday you'll find it again.
If loving you would mean heartbreak and endless quarrels, it would be worth it.
It's been so long and I'm lost without you, what am I gonna do? I been needin' you, wantin' you, wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you. Is your heart still mine? I wanna cry sometimes ... I miss you.
Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.
I’ve kissed a guy... I’ve kissed guys. I just haven’t felt that thing.... That thing... that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy, and the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person you’re supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift. And you wanna laugh and you wanna cry, ‘cause you feel so lucky that you’ve found it, and so scared that it’ll go away all at the same time.
It's a horrible thing to see your lost love walk past you with another girl, and it's the worst thing to know that you made a mistake in letting him go.
Why do I love you? Because you are and always have been my dream.

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