Стефан Зељковић's blog

Стефан Зељковић
29, Backa Palanka, Serbia

(chill out, house and trance mixes)

Special thanks to Armin Van Buuren, Connor Devine, Dom Kerley, Alex Powell,
James Macpherson, Chris Chambers, Matt Abbott, Paul Volniansky
Distribution of music is Label Worx Limited
Golitsyn music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2014
/for cancer patients who`re fighting for their lives. Never give up!/
для людей, больных раком, которые борятся за свою жизнь - никогда не сдавайтесь!

(chill out, house and trance mixes)

Special thanks to Armin Van Buuren, Connor Devine, Dom Kerley, Alex Powell,
James Macpherson, Chris Chambers, Matt Abbott
Distribution of music is Label Worx Limited
Golitsyn music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2014

Promo sound

Ilya Golitsyn Merkulenish Sasha Merkulova at Beatport.com

(chill out, house and trance mixes)

Special thanks to Alexandra Merkulova, Armin Van Buuren, Connor Devine, Dom Kerley,
Distribution of music is Label Worx Limited
Golitsyn Music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2013

(chill out, house and trance mixes)

Special thanks to Armin Van Buuren, Connor Devine, Dom Kerley, Alex Powell,
James Macpherson, Chris Chambers, Matt Abbott
Distribution of music is Label Worx Limited
Golitsyn music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2014

Ilya Golitsyn Thanks to Armin, Connor and Dom

(UK house and trance mixes)
Distribution of music is Label Worx Limited
Golitsyn Music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2013

We`re pleased to welcome at the Golitsyn music label a talented DJ Sergei Chumachenko(Darsay) with our kind regards,

Team HBC officially signed a contract with Golitsyn music label, we`re waiting for their release on March 13, 2013

На beatport.com вышел релиз группы
Ждем выхода релиза в остальных мировых магазинах через 2 недели:)
Отличный релиз! Вы молодцы парни!

My most sincere condolences to all who lost their children and relatives in this terrible tragedy...

I am very very sorry my soul cries with you

Ilya Golitsyn Walking in London

(chill out, house and trance mixes)
Special thanks to Armin Van Buuren, Steven Finch, James Bennett, Simon Zverko, John Steppens
Golitsyn music label
all rights reserved in the United Kingdom, 2014

Илья Голицын Прогулка по Лондону
(чил аут хаус и транс миксы)
Великобритания, 2014

Blogët shkarkohen çdo 5 minuta